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DachshundTown does comicon!

11:30am - 5:30pm July  27th 2019

Stony Stratford Football Club
Milton Keynes

Following the huge success of DachshundTown festival, and DachshundTown A Day At The Races in 2018, July 2019 will see the return of DachshundTown's huge festival with an exciting new fun theme to the day!
Get ready for

​Join us for a day of fun and madness!
You'll find lots to watch and do!
Enjoy shopping, have lunch and meet friends.
Treat yourself to a cake, a glass of bubbly from the bar, watch our red carpet event DachshundTown Beauty Pageant, and if you're bringing a dog, take part in tons of fun activities.

There are new show classes, contests, brand new Dachshund races, trick dog performances, and special guest appearances!
Take a turn on our mini agility course!

Let your dog kick off their shoes, and enjoy a paddle in our shallow splash pools!
Prizes and rosettes to be won, glitz, glamour, music and a fabulous atmosphere.

DachshundTown is THE event on every Dachshund fanatics calendar!

This years brand new venue has ensured that our next festival is set to be our biggest yet!
We can not wait to welcome you all back to DachshundTown!

Once you've purchased admission tickets to attend, you can return to our ticket office to book your dog entry tickets to participate in fun activities

☆ Grab a ticket to take part in our fun dog show.
Select from our long list of brand new comicon themed classes, and enter the show ring, for a chance of winning a gorgeous 18inch two tier rosette
Rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th in every class!

Our Best in Show winner will win a gorgeous huge rosette, large bag of dog food, and fabulous trophy!
​Please see the show classes page for full details

For maximum glitz and glamour, take part in DachshundTowns' pageant!

This part of the day is an even in itself!
Dress your Dachshund in your favourite handmade or shop bought outfit, and take to the red carpet for a chance of your dog becoming our pageant winner and being crowned Mr or Miss DachshundTown 2019!
Huge rosettes, sparkly crowns and prizes to be won!
Music, live commentary, backdrops, red carpet, glitz and glamour set the scene!

See the pageant page for details.

The Cheese Run!
Everyone's favourite race!

Tons of fun & large rosettes to be won!
We supply the cheese.
Please see our ticket page for price.

Sausage Slalom!!
Brand NEW for 2018
A fun team race with sausage flags to weave.
Grab an entry ticket to take part with your dog, we will place all entrants into 2 large teams.
Tons of laughter and total madness set the scene!

Every member of the winning team takes a rosette home!
Please see our tickets page for price.

☆ Elmo the trick dog
Elmo, a world champion trick dog returns to show off his latest tricks!
There'll be a chance to speak to his trainer for top tips on training your own dog

Shop Till You Drop!
Shop Shop Shop
We are known for packing in the trade stands, but this event has even more shopping!
Stalls and stands selling just about anything and everything for dogs, with many of our trade stands specialising in small and long dog clothing.
Youll find collars, beds, posh treats and much more!

☆☆ Go VIP ☆☆
Our VIP area has doubled in size and had a revamp, ready for our 2019 VIP's.
Purchase a VIP admission ticket and access the VIP marquee, where we will serve complementary Juice, bottled water and a large selection of complimentary cakes and snacks at lunchtime .

VIP ticket holders can enjoy a rest in our VIP chillout area, with comfortable cushions, and throws to relax on.
VIP is located ringside where our fun dog show classes take place.
(please see the ticket page for prices)

Tickets can be purchased at:
(Please see our ticket page for further details)

No one likes to be left at home
If you have other small toy sized dogs that are not Dachshund or Dachshund crosses, you are very welcome to bring them along to enjoy the day, they can splash in our pools, and relax in our shade marquee.
Theyll be made very welcome, but please be aware that they wont be able to take part in our show classes, contests or the pageant.

The venue has lots of space for parking.
Parking is free.

Tickets can be purchased at:
​ and click on purchase tickets
(Please see our website ticket page for prices)

No one likes to be left at home

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