Q: What’s ChihuahuaTown?
A: Its a festival in the UK dedicated to celebrating ‘all things chihuahua’!
For people who love chihuahuas to attend with their chis or without.
Chihuahua crosses and other ‘equally tiny’ breeds and crosses are welcome along too.
Only tinies though!
Q: What’s DogTown?
A: it’s a festival for any and all breeds of dog and their humans!
Q: What happens at ChihuahuaTown/DogTown?
A: People come from all over the U.K and even abroad, to meet people who love chihuahuas
(if ChihuahuaTown) and all dogs (if dog town) as much as them.
You can shop and one of the many trade stands, many of which specialise in chihuahua sized
items at ChihuahuaTown with larger options available at DogTown. You can join in the
huge fun dog show, the pageants, the fun races and contests. You can let your dog’s play in
the splash zone or grab some food at any of our fab vendors (or even a cocktail!)
Q: When/Where is it?
A: This year it is being held at Wold Farm, NN29 7XA. July 20th is ChihuahuaTown and July 21st is DogTown. Gates open at 11am, activities start from 12!
Q: Can I bring my other small dogs or my chihuahua cross to ChihuahuaTown?
A: Yes, tiny dogs and tiny toy breeds are welcome and can join in with many of the activities
Q: Can my big dogs come?
A: Not to ChihuahuaTown but DogTown is all theirs! We love all dogs to attend DogTown of every size shape and colour. XL bullies will also be welcome at DogTown so long as they’re are muzzled with valid exemption and liability insurance as per government rules.
ChihuahuaTown is a ‘safe space’ for tiny dogs that may be uncomfortable with the bigger ones, hence the tiny dogs only policy.
Q: Do I need a ticket?
A: Everyone needs to pay admission in order to keep the events running. It’s cheaper online via ChihuahuaTown.co.uk (tickets launch on January 31st at 8pm) but you can pay on the day too. Some activities may be bookable on the day if there’s space left. The pageant is strictly pre book only.
Q: Can I pay on the gate?
A: You can pay on the gate yes, but it can be a lot cheaper online!
Tickets online start at £4. Paying on the day will be £10 per person
Q: What happens in the pageant?
A: https://www.chihuahuatownevents.co.uk/pageant-info
Q: Do I need experience to enter the show?
A: No! Absolutely not. Our show classes are fun with understanding judges.
Q: What if it’s hot?
A: We have a few solutions for the heat. Shade marquees, ice cream for the dogs, and our free to use splash pools and splash pads alongside our ‘soggy dog’ policy which dictates that our judges would always rather be greeted by a soggy dog in the show ring than one that’s struggling with the heat! We also run the pageants and fancy dress differently in high temperatures, and ask that you come prepared to show us a photo of your dog’s in their outfit during the contest rather than putting them on.
Q: Where can we stay if we are coming from afar? Or want to do both days?
A: You can camp at the event venue the night before - arrange this via https://woldfarmshooting.co.uk/camping/ or see other local accommodation here https://www.chihuahuatownevents.co.uk/where-to-stay
Q: My dog will bark a lot, is that a problem?
A: Nope! ChihuahuaTown celebrates ‘all things chihuahua’ and everyone there will understand if your dog is barking - you may find they loosen up a lot quicker than expected too; many do!
Q: Can I use an extendable lead or have my dog off lead?
A: No. If you only have access to an extendable lead you may still come along but it must be on the short setting. Extendable leads allow dogs to approach others before the humans have a chance to establish if that’s ok. They create health and safety issues in terms of both tripping people and dogs getting tangled together. If a dog fight happens an extendable lead can make it impossible to separate them. Off lead dogs present similar issues. Dogs must be under control at all times.
Q: What if the event gets cancelled due to covid?
A: If this happens, you will automatically receive a refund from the ticket site with no questions asked. ChihuahuaTown does not hold the ticket fees until after an event has taken place.
Q: Do you mind if I share this post?
A: Absolutely not, please share away
Check out the tv links page for videos the BBC did of our past events, our This Morning appearance and our Channel 4 Stephs packed lunch appearances!
Show class list: link added soon
Traders: link to list added soon
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